The Healing Power of Nature: Exploring the Intersection of Wilderness and Health

In our fast-paced, tech-driven world, the call of the wild has never been more important. The intersection of nature, wilderness, and health isn't just about picturesque hikes or weekend getaways; it's about recognizing the profound impact that the outdoors has on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. At OUTSIDERS, we believe that reconnecting with the wilderness is not just a luxury—it's a necessity.

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Jeremy Asgari
What Is Seasonal Depression and How to Fight It

As the days grow shorter and colder, many of us feel low, sluggish, or unmotivated. This is often referred to as seasonal depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is a type of depression that follows a seasonal pattern. For the OUTSIDERS community— we thrive on outdoor adventures and a connection to nature. The challenges of SAD can feel particularly disruptive. Here, we’ll dive into what seasonal depression is, its symptoms, and actionable strategies tailored for outdoor enthusiasts to combat it.

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Jeremy Asgari
Embracing The Outdoors: Why Nature is The New Nightclub.

In an era where social interactions feel interrupted by screens and technology, the craving for authentic human connection is more needed than ever. Surprisingly, the antidote to this disconnect is not found within the dimly lit confines of nightclubs but rather in the vast expanse of the great outdoors. As society evolves, so too does our understanding of what it means to truly connect, and increasingly, people are finding that outdoor experiences offer a more profound and fulfilling way to foster relationships. Let’s take a look into why outdoor adventures are becoming the new place for meaningful connections, and why you should consider swapping your dance shoes for hiking boots.

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5 Top Hiking Trails Near NYC

Here are our favorite hiking trails.

1.Gertrude’s Nose 

This is our favorite hike we've done thus far on the east coast. There are so many elements that make it beautiful. We start at Lake Minnewaska, then walk through a wooded area before getting out on the gorgeous ridge line which leads to the stunning view at Gertrude's Nose.

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Jeremy Asgari
5 Reasons to Partake in Group Travel

In 2019 we hosted our first destination trip. We went to Morocco and the connections people made spending a week together were so much stronger than the connections made on our local day trips. Obviously spending that much time together allowed for a deeper connection but it was more than just that.

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Jeremy Asgari
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

I am a New Yorker, I can walk for hours with zero complaints. I know hiking is just walking in nature but for some reason, I get weary about it. All of the “What if’s…” come into play. “What if I fall?” “What if I can't keep up?” “What if I hurt myself?” You get the point. All of these thoughts are common and real fears. No one wants to hurt themselves or be left behind or slow down the group because they are riding the struggle bus up a hill. I am also not a fan of inclines. Flat surfaces all day baby! Hills are just meant to torture anyone that decides to be foolish enough to climb them. 

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I get asked how I started OUTSIDERS all the time, but the better question is why did I start it?

The most common question people ask me when discussing OUTSIDERS is how I came up with the idea. They get especially curious when I tell them I have never been an avid outdoors person and didn’t really start appreciating activities like hiking until after I had started OUTSIDERS. I’m getting ahead of myself here. Like most life questions there was more than one reason.

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